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Easiest Way to Make Yummy Heidi's Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies - Gluten Free!

Heidi's Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies - Gluten Free!.

Heidi's Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies - Gluten Free! You can cook Heidi's Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies - Gluten Free! using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Heidi's Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies - Gluten Free!

  1. Prepare of chick peas, unseasoned. Rinsed and drained.
  2. Prepare of natural peanut butter.
  3. You need of honey, I use raw, unfiltered, organic honey.
  4. Prepare of vanilla extract.
  5. You need of baking soda.
  6. It's of coconut oil, for baking sheet.
  7. You need of Dark chocolate chips.

Heidi's Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies - Gluten Free! instructions

  1. Preheat over to 350.
  2. Place all ingredients, except the chocolate chips, in a food processor. Blend until smooth..
  3. Stir or pulse in chocolate chips.
  4. Spoon onto lightly greased cookie sheet..
  5. Bake for approximately 15 min, or until brown..
  6. Enjoy!.

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